Sleek CSS3 Drop Shadow Effect Without Images

The evolution of CSS3 and HTML 5 has actually made it possible to create drop-shadows using pseudo-elements. It’s a nice and robust way to progressively enhance a design. A couple of pseudo-elements (.drop-shadow:before, .drop-shadow:after) are generated from an element and then pushed behind it. The pseudo-elements need to be positioned and given explicit or implicit dimensions. The next step is to add a CSS3 box-shadow and apply CSS3 transforms. Different types of drop-shadow can be produced by varying these values and the types of transforms applied. The box-shadow property allows you to easily create multiple drop shadows on box elements by specifying values for colour, size, blur and offset.

box-shadow property:

The box-shadow property allows you to add multiple shadows (outer or inner) on box elements. To do that you must specify values as: color, size, blur and horizontal  vertical  blur  spread  colour;

CSS3, HTML5, Tutorials, Box Shadow Effects, Art, Thoughts, Doodles, Love, Inspiration, Quotes, Happiness, Recipes, Sowing Happiness, Spreading Love, Positive Thoughts, Gulmohar Doodles, Puneeta Prakash Blog, Puneeta Prakash, Personal Blog, Blogger
  1. A positive value for the horizontal offset draws a shadow that is offset to the right of the box, a negative length to the left.
  2. The second length is the vertical offset. A positive value for the vertical offset basically offsets the shadow down, a negative one up.
  3. You’re not allowed to use negative values for blur radius. The larger the value, the more the shadow’s edge is blurred, as it can be seen above.
  4. Spread distance positive values cause the shadow shape to expand in all directions by the specified radius.
  5. Negative ones cause the shadow shape to contract.
  6. The color is the color of the shadow.
  7. The inset keyword , changes the drop shadow from an outer shadow to an inner shadow. Exclude the word if you want an outer shadow.

Examples: box-shadow: 10px 10px; box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888; box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 2px 2px #000000; box-shadow: 10px 10px #888888, -10px -10px #f4f4f4, 0px 0px 5px 5px #cc6600;

Enough theory, let’s see some stuff!!


-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px 6px #666666;

-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px 6px #666666;

box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px 6px #666666;



.shadow {

-webkit-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px #000000;

-moz-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px #000000;

box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px #000000;



.shadow {

-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000;

-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000;

box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000;


Browser Support:

All of the major newest browsers support box-shadow property.

  1. Internet Explorer 9.0 and higher
  2. Firefox 3.5 and higher
  3. Chrome 1 and higher
  4. Safari 3 and higher
  5. Opera 10.5 and higher

With many new CSS3 properties you need to prefix the property with browser specific tags.

  1. For firefox you need to use -moz-, for chrome/safari you need to use -webkit.
  2. The box-shadow property is no different.
  3. For Firefox 3.5 you need to prefix with -moz-boz-shadow, but for Firefox 4.0 and higher you don’t need to use the prefix anymore.
  4. For Chrome/safari you still need to use the -webkit-box-shadow.
  5. For opera you don’t need to prefix the property and can just use box-shadow.

Enjoy playing with the different values. Next post will be on how to give advanced drop shadows. Keep practicing till then

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